Composite Works

The Composite works are made of copper remnants and off-cuts from previous projects, reconfigured into freestanding sculptural objects. Because of the hollow nature of these spatial collages and the various surfaces present in the remnant copper, the works cast an ever changing and complex reflection on their surroundings, while simultaneously reflecting a fragmentary image of the viewer back at themselves. The interior of these works is illuminated with a single LED light. This light activates the sculpture as both an object but also as an active light source by which its surrounds are illuminated. The sculptures are of domestic scale and able to be presented in a number of ways, whether placed on a table, plinth, or hung from the ceiling.

Titling Convention:

The date attributed to the work is the year of its first exhibition, which is separate from the production date included in the work’s title. A final description of the work, for example one that would appear on a wall didactic in an exhibition space, might read:

Composite (8 Component Remnant, 48 ounce C11000 Copper Alloy: February 24, 2022, Glendale, California, 04722)
Polished copper
24 7/8 x 16 1/8 x 10 1/8 inches

Here annotated:
Composite (8 Component Remnant [number of pieces], 48 ounce C11000 Copper Alloy [type of copper]: February 24, 2022 [date of production], Glendale, California [city of production], 04722 [studio inventory number])
2022 [date of first exhibition]
Polished copper [media]
24 7/8 x 16 1/8 x 10 1/8 inches [dimensions]